יום ראשון, 8 באוקטובר 2023

No more empty european liberalism - Time to adopt Biblical prophet true liberalism

 Along with the fence, the premise of European liberal democracy that all humans are good collapsed yesterday near Gaza

Dr. Hanan Shay, Israel

Kibbutz Be'eri (named after Berl Katznelson) was conquered because the values of the Katznelson were replaced by European liberal values that stripped it of its military strength and shattered its social cohesion. Katznelson's question following the events of 1936 "Who knows a nation of nations afflicted like ours, leprosy like our leprosy?" Valid today, then. Following the liberation of Kibbutz Be'eri, Israel must also be freed from its cultural occupation.

In contrast to the scientific liberal revolution that replaced medieval subjective thinking with analytical rational thinking, in humanism, the European liberal revolution left in place subjective thinking, which disbelieves in the existence of objective truth.

Instead of Christianity linking the enslavement of man and his suffering to 'original sin', the European liberal humanist revolution raised another subjective claim that man is good and the reason for his enslavement is a systematic historical usurpation of the rights of the 'noble savage', that lived in social isolation and therefore no limitation of his impulses and satisfactions was required and his 'individual rights' were unlimited.

The declaration of the death of God, which was the declaration of the death of the oppressive Christian morality, left the enlightened European without an alternative morality. Hence, liberal freedom, which without moral obligations is libertarian, was in fact a replacement of slavery to Christian morality, with a new old slavery - to man's limitless impulses and satisfactions, as the pre-civilized state of nature.

In view of this, it was expected that the human being would also lose his political freedom. Liberal Germany's entry into the yoke of Nazi tyranny through a democratic process is the result of the great weakness of European liberal democracy, which lacks an orderly liberal morality inherent in the value judgment of democratic conduct.

The declaration at the United Nations in 1947 on human rights, without including in it moral obligations, the reason behind the fact that Germany, a Western liberal democratic society, mobilized almost entirely on behalf of the Nazi racial theory. Germany is the proof that Europe and the West did not know how to get to the root of the atrocities of the 20th century: a subjective, unchecked liberal thinking, neglecting an orderly analytical morality, which mobilized the achievements of science's objective rational analytical thinking, to realize its horrific utopian subjective ideas.

Since the basic lesson from the failure of the Enlightenment revolution was not produced, even before the corpse of communism cooled, European liberal thinking - in its progressive subjective version - raised the assumption that no identity is essential. Based on this assumption, three catastrophes were created within two decades:

The first, globalism, which, in order to satisfy limitless consumerism and possessiveness, started the limitless exploitation of natural resources, which damaged the balance of the earth; The second, multiculturalism, which the mixing of peoples it encourages has damaged the social balance in liberal democracies and has given extreme fringe elements power that shakes democracies and threatens their existence; The third, the Arab Spring - an arrogant and racist liberal crusade that crushed Middle Eastern society and consequently shook European society as well. Its latest victims are twenty thousand (!) Libyan citizens who drowned in the waters of a dam that was not maintained, a result of the fact that since the overthrow of Gaddafi, there is no functioning government in this country.

The new victims of European liberalism are the Jews recently slaughtered; these are the victims of the anti-democratic transformation of Israel, which was founded as a Hebrew liberal democracy, into an immoral European liberal democracy and of a humanism that still disbelieves in the existence of objective truth.

Israel was born as a Hebrew liberal democracy, because Ben-Gurion thought, as he wrote in his diary, that compared to the freedom revolution of Abraham, whose values were derived, as in science, from the objective laws of nature, the European liberal revolution is incomplete and even dangerous. The founding values of the Hebrew morality of freedom, justice and peace of the biblical prophets, were determined in May 1948 in the Declaration of Independence of Israel, and later in the Fundamental Law of Human Dignity and Freedom which gave the values the validity of a constitution.

Thanks to democratic conduct in light of its liberal Hebrew values, the young Israel, which lost one percent of its citizens in the War of Independence, took in two million refugees in less than a decade, flourished the wilderness, won an indisputable victory in four wars imposed on it, and grew economically at a impressive rate.

Israel's security and social deterioration began when, parallel to the collapse of communism, the Hebrew liberal democracy was subversively replaced by a European liberal democracy; Officers in the IDF changed it from an army designed to achieve victories, to an army designed to deter - a subjective achievement, impossible to measure and evaluate, because deterrence is only a state of mind.

Under the pretext that they are protecting the secular public from "religion", many educators displaced Bible studies, which is the key to knowing the morals of the prophets and Israel's state values established by law. On the other hand, they turned the citizenship studies, which were intended merely to teach regime and politics, into "sermons" Day of the European liberal religion, which, as mentioned, is devoid of orderly morality, and worse: its way of thinking is medieval subjectivism. The ones who led the move were the jurists, who already in the 1970s became "the first agents for the assimilation of [European] liberalism into the culture of the state".

According to the media, on the eve of the surprise attack, senior IDF officials told the political echelon that Hamas was deterred; in order to preserve its finger-pointing deterrence, senior Shin Bet officials even recommended increasing the quotas for workers moving from Gaza to work in Israel.

In a media interview published on the eve of the surprise attack with retiring High Court Judge Anat Baron, she said that she comes to the High Court every morning "with a new song in her heart" in view of "the important tasks she saw before her eyes - protecting constitutional freedoms and human rights". There is not a single word in the interview, neither about human duties nor about the role of the High Court of Justice to do justice! Justice stemming from the morality of the prophets established in the law, a morality that requires balancing duties and rights and therefore, when morally required, to limit and reduce freedoms and rights.

The response to the atrocities of the Palestinians cannot be stopped in the military sphere, namely, to cleanse the south of terrorists and to eliminate the Gaza Strip from being able to continue to threaten Israel. The greater operation that Israel is supposed to carry out immediately, is the liberation of the Hebrew liberal democracy from two grips: the one designed to make it religious and, on the other hand, the one that aims its transformation into a European liberal democracy. This European liberal democracy is the one that collapsed yesterday, both in its subjective doctrine of deterrence, and in its childish premise that all humans are good.

Someone needs to be explained to the Europeans (and their agents in the Anglo-Saxon democracies) that morality is not required because humans are bad or good, as claimed by European enlightened philosophers; Morality is required, as the Hebrew Enlightenment revolution understood already 4000 years ago, because unlike all other living creatures, humans were created without innate barriers to limit desires, instincts and deeds, and as such humans might be the most dangerous creature in nature.

If the stories of survivors of the horrors of Auschwitz did not convince Europe of the need for an orderly moral of justice and to replace its subjective humanism with an objective one, perhaps watching live videos of the atrocities that the "good Palestinian" committed yesterday against Jewish elders, women and children, will do the trick.


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